All 4th MP PlanEx Tasks
The most recent objectives, plans & activities are near the top!
Cycle 24:
Fri. 4/26
- Mon. 5/6

Day 4: After a humorous look at how faulty it is to see 1 for and 1 against in every TV debate about climate change, we then started and completed the viewing/question-answering for "The Cost of Climate Change" (30 POINTS) to truly understand the staggering cost that inaction on our changing climate will bring about for coastal cities and states and how until recently, ours was the ONLY nation where climate denial was official policy.
The day concluded with a brief video on the idea of "carbon pricing" as a potential part of the solution.

Days 1-3:
2 parts to these days' lessons:
1) We first watched members of the U.S. House of Representatives employ various climate denial strategies (foolishly while debating with a real climate scientist) from among the FLCC types you learned about on Friday and it was your job to identify each in the "Burn Noticed" video we viewed FOR ANOTHER 15 POINT MAJOR ASSESSMENT using today's form!
2) Afterward, we returned to our "Are We Alone?" topic because of a "60 Minutes" piece on AUPs (Aerial Unidentified Phenomena) that just aired on Sunday night that has the UFOlogy world buzzing because it revealed new testimony from government officials, Navy pilots and video recordings of unexplainable flying objects that only recently became declassified for public viewing:
We then discussed whether the story will move any of you to choice 6 in our poll as a result or if Occam's Razor ("The simplest explanation tends to be the right one") will keep you where you are...

5.1(A-I), 5.2(B,E), 5.3(A,B), 5.4(B-E), 5.5(B,H,I), 5.6(A-K), 5.8(B), 5.9(E-G), 5.11(A-E), 5.20(A,B,D), 5.21(A,B), 5.22(A-C), 5.23(A,B), 5.25(A-C)
K, C, An, Ap, S, E
This cycle's student learning objectives (all start with "Students will be able to..."):
■ ...describe and explain what environmental and astronomical factors are changing our planet and could change it even more, for better or for worse, in the near and distant future of our only home and our civilization. (continued)
■ ...qualitatively describe the basic, complex relationship between science, technology and our society. (continued)
Cycle 23:
Mon. 4/15
- Thu. 4/25

Day 5: There were 2 significant parts to today's lesson:
1) After completing our world travels Monday and Wednesday to observe the reality of global warming occurring NOW, Mr. S. finished the presentation he began on Monday to explain how we we know IT IS US, NOT NATURE that is causing the warming. You also got to know better the 15 yo girl (now 18, that you certainly already had heard of) who started a global movement to change humanity's role in climate change with a very simple act.
2) After that, Mr. S. introduced you to "The FLCC strategies of climate denial" using the presentation below and the top 8 examples of it he encounters often in his many online debates about the issue. YOUR BEST STRATEGY WAS TO HAVE TODAY'S "Denial Presentation Check" FORM OPEN WHILE HE CONDUCTS HIS INTRODUCTION TO EASILY CLAIM ALL 15 OF TODAY'S MAJOR ASSESSMENT POINTS! (AS USUAL, YOU MAY ATTEMPT THIS SUPER VALUABLE FORM AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WISH.)

Days 2-3:
It was time to fly to the bottom of the world to learn about the ice loss happening in Antarctica that has reason to alarm us even more than Greenland's. The story of its observable melting (and the denier strategies used to distort it) is so important that today's "Our Rising Oceans Qs" form is a 20 POINT MAJOR ASSESSMENT that you can complete as many times as you wish. WATCH AND LISTEN FOR MR. S's VIDEO PAUSING AND AUDIBLE CUES THAT YOU JUST SAW/HEARD SOMETHING IMPORTANT AS WE WATCH THE MINI-DOCUMENTARY!
Day 1
Our "Your Planet, Your Future" unit continued now with a closer look at what climate change and global warming are.
1) First, the discussion/viewing of 10 slides of Mr. S's "Intro to the Science of Climate Change" presentation enabled you to answer THE FIRST 5 QUESTIONS OF TODAY'S FORM.
2) Then, a 15 minute trip around the world to places being affected already by CC in "The World is Sinking" MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 6-10.
TODAY'S "CC Intro & 'The World is Sinking' Qs" FORM IS WORTH 30 POINTS!

5.1(A-I), 5.2(B,E), 5.3(A,B), 5.4(B-E), 5.5(B,H,I), 5.6(A-K), 5.8(B), 5.9(E-G), 5.11(A-E), 5.20(A,B,D), 5.21(A,B), 5.22(A-C), 5.23(A,B), 5.25(A-C)
K, C, An, Ap, S, E
This cycle's student learning objectives (all start with "Students will be able to..."):
■ ...describe and explain what environmental and astronomical factors are changing our planet and could change it even more, for better or for worse, in the near and distant future of our only home and our civilization. (continued)
■ ...qualitatively describe the basic, complex relationship between science, technology and our society. (continued)