All 1st MP PlanEx Tasks
↓The most recent objectives, plans & tasks we performed are near the top!↓
Cycle of Class Plans, Tasks & Links
Cycle 1:
9/3 Opening,
then Wed. 9/4-
Wed. 9/11

Day 5/6: The theme today was simply - You've been lied to all 16-17 years of your life about the Solar System.
1) First, we watched some ambitious guys create a scale model of our Solar System in the Nevada desert where the diameter of the sun was equal to 1.5 meters.
2) Then, it was time to create our own, suited for the B-wing of Cherry Hill West.
Our was based on a simple scale - That Earth's diameter of 12,742 km would be reduced to 1 mm. We would then hang the resulting model of the sun outside D9, the classroom you look into as you walk from the library into the D-wing. You will then IN GROUPS create depictions of the rest of the bodies of the Solar System and perform a few other tasks for the one you were assigned before we create our model in the B wing. The included data table for our model and the tasks your group must perform provided guidance before we left to create it! THIS WORK WAS WORTH 10 POINTS.
Anyone still have their "Being Galileo for 9 Nights" lab to turn in? It's MAJOR ASSESSMENT WORK is due today!
Day 3: This period was spent working on our "Being Galileo for 9 Nights Lab" (10 MAJOR ASSESSMENT POINTS) that is the 1st link below that replicated the 9 consecutive nights of observations Galileo conducted and the resulting conclusions he reached about our place in the universe that changed the history of modern astronomy. This "Being Galileo for 9 Nights Lab," YOUR FIRST MAJOR ASSESSMENT POINTS OF THE YEAR, is due BY THE END OF CLASS TUESDAY when I see you for our first day 5! (Folks that were absent can use the 2nd link to see Jupiter's moons over those 9 nights to complete the assignment outside of class.)
Day 2: As Mr. S. continues to try to establish for you the speck you are in the cosmos and the blink of an eye that you are in its long history, today was the the viewing/Q answering for "Cosmos1 "Standing Up in the Milky Way" Qs (10 POINTS).
The form below is due by tomorrow!
Day 1: 1) Mr. S. first gave you a chance to see where your starting astronomical knowledge stands with a "PlanEx T/F Pre-Quiz" on Quizizz that you joined and completed USING YOUR REAL NAME FOR 5 POINTS. (See Mr. S. for the self-directed version if you missed it in class today.)
2) After that, an animation of Carl Sagan's famous "Pale Blue Dot" narrative gave our "Scale of the Cosmos" unit a kick start. Our class viewing of it led to the 2 questions in the form below FOR 5 POINTS.
Opening Day: Today was a very basic day for Mr. Sweeten to introduce himself and for you to also learn a bit about the way things work in our E25 classroom!
Mr. S. also began to learn a bit about you. A short, simple and easy 5 POINT "Tell Me about YOU!" form was assigned and IT'S DUE ON MONDAY 9/11!

↑HS-ESS1-4. Use mathematical or computational representations to predict the motion of orbiting objects in the solar system.(Substandard to ESS1-4: ESS1.B - Earth and the Solar System
Kepler’s laws describe common features of the motions of orbiting objects, including their elliptical paths around the sun. Orbits may change due to the gravitational effects from, or collisions with, other objects in the solar system.)
K, C, An, Ap, S, E
Marzano 2, 3 and 4
This week's student learning objectives (all start with "Students will be able to..."):
■ ...begin to grasp the vastness of the cosmos and our place in it through qualitative and quantitative identification of the great size of its planets, star systems, galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies.
■ ...qualitatively describe the basic, complex relationship between science, technology and our society.